
Here, I share my views based on my observations, experiences, judgement, perceptions and knowledge. Do not quote/use/refer/relate them to my family, community, employer, employee, business nor my country for whatever reason without my written consent.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Big Project Event: An Appreciation Lunch

Noon tomorrow my department is organizing a luncheon at One World Hotel, Bandar Utama.
I lead the committee and by 'force' to be one of the emcee. Luckily I've roped in a lady emcee who'll be pairing with me throughout the whole ordeal. The theme of the lunch: International ...

As emcees, we need to wear Arabic clothings. That'll surely hide my tummy. LOL

Got my text ready. All set to enjoy tomorrow. Hopefully no blunders. Well, till tomorrow then.