
Here, I share my views based on my observations, experiences, judgement, perceptions and knowledge. Do not quote/use/refer/relate them to my family, community, employer, employee, business nor my country for whatever reason without my written consent.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Just another Sunday

Went to a wedding reception in Pulau Indah at noon. On the way home, stop by DOMINO's Pizza since we're still hungry. Take home 2 regulars & a large one. Celebrated Hisyam's (my eldest son) birthday a day early by enjoying the pizza with the whole family ...

Tengahari tadi pergi kenduri kahwin di Pulau Indah. Dalam perjalanan balik, singgah di DOMINO's Pizza sebab perut masih lapar. Bawa balik 2 pizza saiz biasa & satu yang besar. Sambut hari lahir Hisyam (anak sulung) sehari awal dengan makan pizza sekeluarga ...