
Here, I share my views based on my observations, experiences, judgement, perceptions and knowledge. Do not quote/use/refer/relate them to my family, community, employer, employee, business nor my country for whatever reason without my written consent.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

N.I.S. Appreciation Lunch

On 23rd Mar 2011, our Department had an appreciation Lunch in Jasmine Function Room, One World Hotel, Bandar Utama. Attended by almost 120 guests. I became the 1st emcee along with my partner Pn. Hana.

As emcees, we had to wear Arabic costumes because the theme is International ...

Ya habibi ... ahlan wasahlan

The event started at 12:10 since some VIP guests arrived bit late. We end the event at 2 p.m.

Top: Me, Iqbal
Sitting: Syakirah, Azura & Hana (2ns emcee (in black))

We had our in-prompt-to photo session ...